Thursday, September 29, 2011


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Aotea Lagoon is near where I live now.Walking around I see the birds and animals that live there. They remind me of my early days of my life in New Zealand.
So I wrote a kind of poem called "Memory" using the style of "There is love".


He is now to be among you at the calling of your hearts.
“Do this in memory of me, because I love you”
The union of your friends here has caused Him to remain,
for whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name,
There is Memory. Oh there is Memory.

Oh, a friend shall leave his family, and his friend leaves his home.
They will travel on to where the two will be as one.
As it was in the beginning, is now until the end,
friends draw their life from one another
and give it back again and there is memory.
Oh, there's memory.

Well then what's to be the reason for becoming friends?
Is it love that brings you here or love that brings you life?
For is loving is the answer then who's the giving for?
Do you believe in something that you've never seen before?
Oh, there's memory. There is memory...

Christ is now to be among you at the calling of your hearts.
“Do this in memory of me, because I love you.”
The union of your friends here has caused Him to remain
for whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name
there is memory. Oh, there is Memory.

What I now remember since I moved to Summerset is LOVE.
Love is what keeps me here, love between friends.
A different lounge, bedroom, corridor and cafeteria are a challenge.
But many people everywhere are an invitation to love.
Making friends is for me a new dimension in my life.

Every Sunday morning we gather for Holy Mass and we
celebrate the presence of our common Friend,
Who said, “Whenever two or more are gathered in my name,
I will be there.” He is there in word and sacrament.
In communion we remember him. There is memory. Oh there is memory.

The Faith he gives us is passed on to our friends.
That faith has been passed on from time long time ago,
When he said to the woman with many wounds,
“Woman, your faith saved you. Your faith is great”.
There is memory, oh there is memory.

Where there is caritas and love, God is there.
Ubi caritas et amor Deus ibi est.
Latin is not our common language anymore.
So we communicate in our own language
What binds us together in a common bond of love?

People come into your life everyday; it's up to you to decide
Who you let walk away and who you let stay and become part of the fabric of your days.
During the Mass we may pray:.
Gracious God, bless all my friends in whatever it is that You know they
are experiencing Today!
And may their life be filled with your peace, hope, and love
As they daily walk with you.

Later, , during the week we remember.
There is memory. Oh there is MEMORY