Monday, September 24, 2012

You never lived to see
What you gave to me
One shining dream of hope and love
Life and liberty
With a host of brave unknown soldiers
For your company you will live forever
Here in our memory
In fields of sacrifice
Heroes paid the price
Young men who died for old men's wars
Gone to paradise
We are all one great band of brothers
And one day you'll see we can live together
When all the world is free
I wish you'd lived to see
All you gave to me
Your shining dream of hope and love
Life and liberty
We are all one great band of brothers
And one day you'll see - we can live together
When all the world is free
You are viewing Requiem For A Soldier (Theme From Band Of Brothers) lyrics performed by Amici Forever. The song lyrics for Requiem For A Soldier (Theme From Band Of Brothers) in KOvideo are property of respective authors, artists and labels. If you want to use these lyrics, please contact the authors, artists or labs. If you like the sound of Requiem For A Soldier (Theme From Band Of Brothers), please buy the track using the iTunes/Amazon links above to support Amici Forever.
This is where the liberation entered Nederland

Liberation festivities in my hometown Eindhoven


You never lived to see
What you gave to me
One shining dream of hope and love
Life and liberty
With a host of brave unknown soldiers
For your company you will live forever
Here in our memory
In fields of sacrifice
Heroes paid the price
Young men who died for old men's wars
Gone to paradise
We are all one great band of brothers
And one day you'll see we can live together
When all the world is free
I wish you'd lived to see
All you gave to me
Your shining dream of hope and love
Life and liberty
We are all one great band of brothers
And one day you'll see - we can live together
When all the world is free
You are viewing Requiem For A Soldier (Theme From Band Of Brothers) lyrics performed by Amici Forever. The song lyrics for Requiem For A Soldier (Theme From Band Of Brothers) in KOvideo are property of respective authors, artists and labels. If you want to use these lyrics, please contact the authors, artists or labs. If you like the sound of Requiem For A Soldier (Theme From Band Of Brothers), please buy the track using the iTunes/Amazon links above to support Amici Forever.
Border Nederland and Belgium


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Summerset August 2012

Emmaus a
Summerset August 2012
Be guided by your hunger

 The sign outside the cafĂ© said, “Be guided by your hunger”. “Coming together for a meal’ is what we call Company. Really it is coming together for bread. “Coming together for holy Mass” is the same as company.

Are we hungry? hungry for the food of life? The truth is simple. Hunger is itself the guide. Jesus said,”I am the living bread. Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever; and the bread that I shall give is my flesh, for the life of the world.” What can we say? Thanks, thanks, Eucharist.
When we enter for Mass, are we prepared for an awesome reality of sitting at the table with Jesus? Are we hungry when He says, “Take this. This is my Body given for you, the gift from God that seeks God. It will turn us from food too weak for us, and likewise from food too strong. We will be guided by our hunger and whatever tastes good to the soul will be the feast of God.
Is this Mass, round the table with Jesus, not an awesome reality? We take it often for granted. We talk; we share a story, we laugh. The sign of the cross is a routine; the singing might be spiritual. The word”laughter” is not in the Bible. But the word” enjoyment” is. Receiving the host, the Body of Christ, on our hand, on our tongue is an awesome reality and a reason of great enjoyment. But are we aware of this great miracle?

Hospitality helps us to greet people and open the door. We welcome them to the table of Christ. We introduce them to the breaking of the Bread. They are no strangers any more. They share our communion which makes us one and healed. In the breaking of the Bread we recognise Christ in each other like this happened at Emmaus.
 All this is still an awesome reality. This transformation in the sharing in the Bread of life is a miracle of multiplication of all. We are sacrament to each other.
                  Emmaus b
God Bless
 Fr John Heijnen
319 Summerset@Aotea, 15 Aotea Drive, Porirua


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Spring trip

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Unexpected Spring Trip

“I thought that you were coming tomorrow”, said my friend whom I visited on the first day of my trip up north. The problem was that I misread my diary. Never mind.

The friend adjusted her diary. And we had a nice day in Wanganui...Next day we went to church because it was Sunday. A good sermon and singing made the Mass a real prayer.
That day it was terrible weather. A storm from Mount Taranaki with constant rain made driving more than funny. In New Plymouth I was told that I was expected the next day, the birthday of my old friend. But his wife said that her family were celebrated dad’s birthday that evening. So was unexpectedly on time. “He is a jolly good fellow...”
Next day on the way to Rotorua I got lost in a forest. My guardian angel knew the way out , so I arrived in Rotorua rather late, but a day ahead of time. The same problem as above. In a glorious day my friend took to places where I had never been before or at least a very long time ago. I discovered that I left my electric razor behind in the motel in New Plymouth. The manager would courier it to Roto.
The following day I drove to Tauranga, and also, as you expect, a day ahead of time.
I waited in the car, read a news paper, and fell a sleep, found a toilet and finished reading the new paper. The next day my car would not start, But the AA solved the problem (flat battery?). I was sent to Mount Maunganui to find the reason. I had to book in; had to wait for four days. Forget about it.
But as I was in Mount Maunganui, I went to my friends who I rung the previous day and told me to come in two days (funeral). They just arrived from the funeral. In that case I was again one day ahead, but it did not matter. We caught up with the memory of old friends.
Next day I went to Rotorua to pick up my electric razor and from there to Taupo for a
meal and a rest. After taking photos of this scenic place I travelled to Napier, also very scenic.
In Napier I stopped behind a bus stop. A guide told the tourists about the earthquake in 1931 which destroyed a large area of Napier. With the sun getting lower I finally arrived at my friends, this time on time. Hurray!
In the morning we went to Mass in the ST Thomas More Church. This church is a good example how the people had this church built according to their wishes. The sermon was excellent by a retired priest. After coffee I left for the next place, the Benedictine monastery of Kopua. Fr NIKO made me very welcome.
After the eight o’clock Mass, next day, I began on the last lap of my trip. Stopped in Carterton, but Father was absent and finally I wanted to visit Joy Cowley in Featherston. But, unexpectedly she was not in. Of the ten paintings I put in the booth of the car I left the last two behind the back door, hoping they would be found by her.

The Good Lord looked after me. Save and well I arrived home in Summerset Village. As I expected I found a whole lot of emails.
The moral of this story is, that even when you have not well organised you travel arrangements, your guardian angel will do it for you, because that is their job. Trust them.

I finish with one of my paintings, called SPRING.
The colours outside are Spring colours, because they have all the colours of the season. Enjoy when they are around.

God Bless , Fr John Heijnen, 01.02.0012

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas 2011

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Christmas 2011

Many of us live near a beach. In New Zealand you find on the beach beds of shells lying halfway between the tides, as neat a painting..
Some of the shells are turned up like the paua-shell very common on our beach. They shimmer and sparkle, reflecting Gods creation.

Now, a week before Christmas I see in the paua-shells the Christmas story, the nativity scene, the night sky filled with angels singing “Gloria in the highest”, sheep huddled by shepherds and a caravan of camels bearing wise men holding treasures.
And my painting is born.

A little baby hardly visible becomes the point of admiration. His parents are keeping a embracing watch in a cave with a donkey and an ox
The shepherds are surprised by a swarm of singing angels and leading their sheep to the cave.
A caravan sierra is slowly approaching the same cave. The wise men are preparing their treasures as gifts for the baby and his parents.

The colours become a kaleidoscope of the painting for you, with Christmas- wishes to everyone who is waiting for the birth of Christ in the world.
The paua-shells are turned up to the Light of the universe.
May your celebration of Bethlehem become the birthing of Christ within yourself.

Happy Christmas and God Bless
John Heijnen 18.12.2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


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Tuesday morning is for me the time for painting. On the attic of an old Woolshed not far from here a group of my age or younger meet to paint, draw or pastille.
Seldom I know what to paint. Someone mentioned to me I should paint an old farmhouse in Brabant the province in the Netherlands where I grew up.
From memory I painted a farmhouse where I as a youngster of eleven years slept on the hay-loft. It was 1939 when my youth-group had a weekend camp. The leaders using white tiles made a cross on the side-wall of the farmhouse.
!n 1949 I stayed in the major seminary, not far from the farmhouse. For seven years I have been looking for the farm-house, but never found it.
In 2010, during a holyday in The Netherlands, I asked my brother to look for the farm-house and…. we found it. The white tiled cross was still on the wall.
The painting is from memory. Remembering the good time when I was young I told myself to put the story and painting on my blog, http://Summerset@Aotea,

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

quiet, peace,worry





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During heavy rain I went through different emotions of my life.
See the result of one morning of painting.